The Hindu wedding started at 11 AM Sunday with 150 or so family members and guests gathered in a private room at Shrigley Hall. A priest began meditation and chanting in Sanskrit, pausing from time to time to explain to western guests, in what quickly became a moving, memorable and spectacular experience. Written explanations were also provided in a program.
The service was highly ceremonial, but never formal, as guests continuously moved about, chatted, snapped photos and joined in with ululations and conch shell horns as called for. It was simultaneously a holy ceremony and group celebration. I won’t attempt to capture it’s symbolism and richness, but let’s see if photos can capture some of the spirit.
There can be no doubt: Nick and Aditi are married!
This is amazing. I know I only catching a tiny bit but it is very meaningful.
Betsy, you look stunning in your sari!