Croatia is a hotspot for bike tourism—well, all kinds of tourism—today as it makes a strong comeback from the Serbo-Croatian war (the “Homeland War” to Croatians) of the 1990’s. With its Adriatic coast, long complex history, and outgoing people, there’s something here for every kind of tourist. Five other bike-riding couples, Atlanta friends for the most part with a Portland (OR) couple for variety, are joining Betsy and I for a bike tour to experience this beautiful and exotic Eastern European land.
The flight from Atlanta is at least 1 plane change and 20 hours so it’s not easy. But is it worth it? Follow along and make your own determination.

We flew Easy Jet from Amsterdam to Split. Other than a 1-1/2 hr delay, our flight was smooth and crew and passengers friendly.
Jack, glad you decided to blog. I love your narrative of the area. Looks like a great gang and should be lots of fun. Look forward to seeing and reading more.
Safe biking.
Another great trip! I am impressed with your energy. Yup! Looking forward to your blog posts