Spin Down

There are lots of little moments that don’t make the daily report but are worth noting. Such as….

Mike (Andiamo) did a great job once again designing our routes and making sure we were challenged. Ben brought a cheerful Aussie attitude as well as a new level of cycling expertise to the game.










Nature break–this blog gives you the behind-the-scenes cycling coverage you don’t see on TV








Apples! They were in season and every hotel offered them as a treat for guests. These are on a stair landing at Hotel Greif in Bolzano.








We missed Nel of Andiamo this year after she sold her ownership to Mike to focus on being a mother. She visited Jim at a stopover in the Zurich airport where this photo was taken. Here is Jim and little Jimette, ur, Sveva.





Nel, last year pre-Sveva, overcoming her nausea which we thought was due to our bad behavior





The Italians are a go-go people. Apparently, when it came time to say, Stop!, they couldn’t think of an Italian word so they just went with English.













Cross-country skiing in Sept? We had competition on Falzarego from this fellow. Those are roller blades , sort of, on his feet.







Markham, King of the Carnival, atop the Stelvio

On the last day, Ben’s van was rear-ended by a lady talking on a cellphone. Here she’s explaining to her husband while we watched and waited.














What’s wrong with this picture? For bike geeks only.

What is the correct caption for this photo (multiple choice): A. How many cyclists can a jeroboam serve? B. How many jeroboams does it take to serve 11 cyclists? C. What is a jeroboam?

Throughout the trip, the food was better than advertised. Here’s a risotto with seafood and green peas from La Perla.








Dolomite. The real stuff. You’re excused if you confuse it with limestone.








Aw, guys–you didn’t have to do that! We were able to find 14 pieces in this delightful cake.











Why every year is declared QUALITY!

All downhill until we meet again!



Spin Down — 3 Comments

  1. Love the blog Jack, but you owe Ben an apology… He ‘s a Brit and They don’t care too much for being confused with Aussies and vice-a-versa.

  2. Jack- Just had a great time vicariously enjoying the whole trip. What a great time!! Very impressive- both the riding and the knowing when to preserve the knee. The photos are spectacular- Might have to visit La Perla. Thanks!
    Peg G

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