Day 7–Down the Valley, Over the Mountain

What’s wrong with a bike path? No cars, beautiful scenery, downhill….a stroll in the park.

Today was our final cycling day. For the first time, my legs didn’t ache getting out of bed. I think I’ve finally “ridden myself into shape”. The Dolomites have done what my Atlanta training couldn’t do.

Yellow daisies, river, bikes…

We left the chateau in Trento at promptly 8:30 AM + 4 min. JT (Jim Time) and drove a few km out of town to avoid the narrow, car-choked streets of Trento. We quickly unloaded the bikes and headed down a river valley on another bike trail. This was unlike anything we had done with Andiamo before–24 mi. of flat or slightly downhill bike trail east into the sun on a postcard perfect day. Strangely, we rode 20 mi. in an hour without effort–shouldn’t 20 mi. be a strenuous 3 hour ride??!!

We stopped for coffee near the end of the path. Note novel bike stand


After coffee at a cute trail-side stop, it was time to climb again. Of course, we had to climb–it’s what we do. There’s no redemption without a little suffering. But 4 mi. of 5-6% switchbacks was easy, and we speculated that we were now experiencing what a pro experiences on an 8-10% grade–high cadence, moderate heart rate, no burning in the legs. Wow, we’re getting good on our last day!

Coffee for me meant liquid dark chocolate in a bicycle cup–as good as it looks!

End of the bike path…it must be time to climb









Enego, 4 mi. and 3,000 ft up to lunch

We stopped in the centro of the little town of Enego for lunch, then climbed another 4 miles, this time hitting some double-digit grades as we looked back at the Dolomites in the distance to the north.

Arriving in Enego













Does this look right to you?






Lunch at Enego’s central square. Mom served the food, Dad cooked the food and ……



…their two little boys rode bikes









Last view back to the Dolomites–goodby Mighty Dolomiti

















Still some scenery left as we ride a ridge toward the Po Valley














A ridge road led us to the town of Asiago, where of course we had to sample the goods. The cheese stood alone, marking our final foray on a bike–dark skies and thunder moved in as we loitered in the shop.

We loaded up our bikes rather than descend the final 22 mi. of the day’s route in the rain. The rain simply reminded us of the perfect weather we’d had for 7 days in the Dolomites, a place legendary for unpredictable cold and storms. Our day’s totals: 55 mi., 4300 ft. vert.

Asiago cheese shop









Mike loading the bikes as thunderstorm hovers

We laughed and told stories all the way to Treviso, our night’s destination near the Venice airport. The Dolomites–grand, steep, rocky–ridden with plenty of groans, grunts, laughs and the support only a group of great guys can offer–now THAT is QUALITISSIMA!

We had a final dinner in a loggia along a Treviso square, then strolled for gelato. Then it was back to the hotel for a morning transfer to the Venice airport. Until next year’s adventure….

Almost midnight in Treviso, the final word. GELATO!





Day 7–Down the Valley, Over the Mountain — 3 Comments

  1. That Was Fun!! Jim has missed your scrabble tournaments but it was a treat being on the trip with you. Breathtaking photos of Dolomites.

    See you soon!

  2. Jim,
    Great trip through the Dolomites; not as challenging as the climbs, but a good read. What was the final climb total; looked exhausting and exhilarating?
    Riding buddy of Reb’s.

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